I find myself cruising the internet rather than performing "normal, healthier", activities.
I have come up with two reasons why this is...
1. Because I'm unexplainably bored with my life and everyone in it.
2. Because I don't want to do my homework.
Even though I personally feel these are two very justifiable reasons to do nothing with me life, I find that many people disapprove of me. Therefore, I would like to take this time out and share some of the most ridiculously random, redundant, and borderline inappropriate (that’s, BORDERLINE inappropriate, so I feel it’s safe to post), videos I could ever see on You Tube.
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l71oClOu51I
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_hMnT44Etk
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_hMnT44Etk
Personally, I feel that these three videos explain our society most perfectly. This is because what people find humor in can help one to understand a person’s personality most. For example, all of these videos which I find unexplainably hilarious are obnoxious and immoral (specifically the last video). Though, I do not believe I am an immoral nor an obnoxious person, I do secretly believe that you can understand how I view the world if you understand my humor.
I believe that when people laugh at other things, they are secretly laughing at themselves, and their own morals. What is it that you find funny? Maybe you can help me get to know you a little better?
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