Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Changed a Bunch of Stuff on My Page

I think it’s because I’m a lot more comfortable with this whole blogging thing. Like, I don’t really care what I talk about anymore because no matter what, there has to be someone out there who will find me interesting right? Not just for this class but for like... life. I think I’m going to continue it after I get my super good grade in this class? =D (just kidding.)

I went to the doctor today and found out I have severe strep and a skin infection from like, I don’t know how on earth I could have gotten that. But that sucks huh? Ya, but it explains a lot about my human wellness and how it is non existent lately. My doctor told me if I waited any longer to come in then the bumps that caused all this under my skin would have had to be biopsied. (That probably would have been pretty cool. I know I'm super gross but I’m totally curious as to what that looks like).

My skin thing isn't contagious; it’s like, my body’s reaction to extreme stress. My doctor said that would be gone by Monday... but the strep is very contagious. I have to take mucho mucho antibiotics and I had to take off work (which is not a good thing, cause work is mad at me for not being able to work all week) and stay in bed all weekend till I’m not contagious anymore.

This is the third time I had strep throat this semester.

I think I’ll tell myself I’m going to use this time to catch up on homework, or read a book, or watch a highly intelligent movie that teaches me a lesson about normalcy or the environment. But I probably wont I’ll probably just be lazy and sleep. Or procrastinate on You Tube.

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