Monday, April 14, 2008

my HIGHLY illogical reasoning

Now I hope America doesn't get mad at me, but I'll be nineteen in almost four months, and I still haven't registered to vote.

I don't know, i tried to once, but then the website told me I needed a certain number from my license to continue? And to be quite honest, my wallet was all the way on the other side of the room. (This all seemed quite logical at the time).

I don't really know that it matters if I vote or not anyway because its not like I honestly make a difference. And lets just say my vote does count, and that the president I voted for wins, but turns out to be a horrible leader, then i would feel guilty. or even worse, I would be terrible judge of character and would second guess all of my judgments thereafter.

I'm not telling the world that voting is unnecessary, and i appreciate that i have the chance to do it. but along with the right to vote, aren't i given the right to not vote?

I understand that its important for the youth to get involved with voting in general, and my economics professor told me its stupid I'm not registered because this is the most important election of all time. but to be honest, even as I'm typing right now... my wallet is just too far away.

Maybe I'll go watch Breakfast at Tiffany's now, I think its a good night for that. =)

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